Most business owners have no written exit plan, as a result of which, a vast majority of privately held businesses that are taken to market do not sell, and a good number of owners who do sell regret it within one year. An MEP is a comprehensive step-by-step guide that provides business owners with the information needed to take decisive action and prepare for the business’ eventual sale.
An attempt to explore the ideas of Douglas McGregor on Theory X and Theory Y and understand its application and how differing management styles have lasting impacts on the employees working in the organisation.
This case study on a JV between two companies shows how transitioning to lean methods can be beneficial in terms of cost savings, optimum use of resources, and adhering to deadlines.
Working with trusted partners with the operational infrastructure in place globally and the experience to help ambitious businesses navigate challenges, can greatly increase the chances of turning domestic success into global growth.
Entrepreneurs are more likely to feel that philanthropy is an essential part of their lives than their financial counterparts and see the link between volunteering and professional success in the report.
As industries change more radically, there may be no silver bullets to stay relevant as a CEO. What is certain, however, is that CEOs need to rethink their skill set and possibly embrace very new ways of leading their organisations and looking for new talents to stay relevant.
The digital revolution threatens modern societies with disinformation, autocracy, and gridlock. Taming the social media monster is a huge challenge, but the alternative is more of the same madness.
All around the world, impact networks are being cultivated to address complex issues in healthcare, education, science, technology, the environment, economic justice, the arts, human rights, and more. They mark the next evolution in the way humans are organising to create meaningful change.
Competent boards can no longer afford to put ESG—environment, social, and corporate governance—issues on the back burner. Companies need to learn from the mistakes of others and should ignore these at their own peril.
Understanding how our emotional brain works can help us appreciate why we react the way we do and how we can regulate our feelings and thoughts to ensure that we lead and manage others effectively.
In today's time of rapid change and a shift in our approach towards collaboration, it makes sense to apply design to the ways we work together, right down to individual meetings and workshops. How effective would your organisation be if every session was aligned to your organisational goals?
Research has demonstrated that competitive advantage in business, today, erodes faster than in the past. In the coming decades, organisational design will be key if business executives reset management by making the transition from traditional and rigid management to organisational agility.