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The spark is within

by Nir Bashan
Indian Management November 2020

Busting the following myths:
MYTH 1: I am not a creative person
MYTH 2: You need to wait for lightning to strike to be
MYTH 3: Creativity is too expensive
MYTH 4: Creativity will not help me in my business/industry/career
MYTH 5: It is not the stuff of the serious business person

Creativity can sometimes feel like it is shrouded in mystery. Like a sacred mountain top hidden in secrecy where mere mortals are not allowed to go. Like there is just a chosen few people controlling creativity, and the rest of us will never get it. Wow! No wonder most of us think,“Oh, how in the world am I ever going to be creative?” But in reality, creativity is not that way at all. That is why it is so important to bust creativity myths, once and for all, to unleash real creativity that can be used by everyone in their career or business.

MYTH 1: I am not a creative person
Okay, I know what you must be thinking, because lots of people think the same way: “I’m not a creative person. I don’t draw portraits, do ballet, or play the saxophone. That is just not me. I am not a singer or an actor or artist or someone in the creative field. I am a lawyer or an accountant. I am an engineer or a nurse. I am a call centre executive or a corporate events planner. So, how will this creativity help me?”

Well, as it turns out, we are all born creative. Creativity is found in our very DNA. It is part and parcel of our experience as human beings. It is that spark deep inside us—one that most of us have extinguished as we grew older. And that spark must be reignited because as adults we are told that creativity has no place in maturity. It is not serious business acumen. It is frivolous because it cannot be measured and quantified. But nothing can be further from the truth.

What we lose by believing this myth is significant. Our ability to compete in the hyperconnected economy of the 21st century—a new economy where ideas and innovation are the most valuable equity we produce—absolutely depends on creativity.

MYTH 2: You need to wait for lightning to strike to be creative
Creativity is not something you have to wait for to magically happen. Creativity is like most things in life; it is something you can go out there and do. And the more you practise it, the better you get.

I bet you didn’t wait around to learn how to play golf—you practised it. I bet you didn’t wait around and hope that you will learn how to drive a car—you practised it, and now you can do it easily, almost without thinking. 

Creativity is the same. It is something that can be learned and, moreover, it is something that can be taught. It just takes the will to do it and some effort.

For far too long, we in business have been operating on a half tank of gas, wondering why we are never able to arrive at our destination. It is because we are operating on analytics alone, bereft of the benefit that creativity can bring to us as the other whole half of our mind.

MYTH 3: Creativity is too expensive
This is a hurtful myth because it is so wrong.

The truth is that all the tools and techniques you need to be creative cost you nothing. Absolutely nothing. They are free to use. No licensing. No royalties. Nothing. Just free. Adding creative principals will cost you nothing to implement.

Creativity is all about shifting your mindset. It is about embracing ‘The Creator Mindset’.

How cool is that! But there is a catch. Because here is the thing: not adding these tools and techniques can cost you everything.

In an ultracompetitive global economy, there is only one chance to get it right. And as the economy shifts from the industrial economy of yesteryear to the new idea economy of tomorrow, it is imperative that we are armed with the ability to create ideas readily and frequently.

MYTH 4: Creativity will not help me in my business/industry/career
You might be saying at this point: “Come on. Really? I run a roofing business. Or a factory.

Or an IT organisation. Why do I need any of this creative stuff?” Here is the truth of the matter: through the lens of creativity, you will find your audience. And if you can connect with your audience, you will enable business opportunities. And if you enable business opportunities, you will increase your bottom line. It really is that simple when you are armed with ‘The Creator Mindset’ and apply creativity.

Or perhaps you are a professional, trying to get ahead. Working hard day after day, putting in more hours than the rest, consistently hitting the mark.

Yet time and time again, you hit a ceiling. Unable to climb any higher. Unable to achieve your goals, wondering why you cannot get ahead. The bottom line: without creativity, you cannot scale new heights and reach your chosen destiny.

You might be tempted to think that creativity is all about an advertisement or your business card or website design. While that type of creativity most certainly is important, it is necessary to take risks far greater in unfamiliar ways to harness creativity in all you do. It is a different way of looking at things, which might be scary at first—but, ultimately, it will open you up to new and exciting opportunities never before seen.

MYTH 5: It is not the stuff of the serious business person
We tend to devalue creative solutions in modern life. It is too flimsy. It is something that is too ‘out there’. It is artsy-fartsy. We roll our eyes. It is probably for someone else because I am not that smart or funny or artistic. But the truth is: ‘The Creator Mindset’ is not for someone else. It is for you. This different way of thinking is for you, to help you and to be of service to you and your goals.

The creative mind is not subject to limitations. It sees what can be, rather than what is. How incredibly powerful is that? Just think about it for a second. Simply looking at something as ‘it can be’ rather than ‘what is’ has the power to change the very nature of any problem—including the problem you might be thinking of right now as you read these words. And that is creativity you can use today in your business or career.

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