Report launch
The Data Opportunity: The Promise of Digital Trade for India
25th July 2019 : Shangri-La’s Eros Hotel, New Delhi

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AIMA in collaboration with the Hinrich Foundation and AlphaBeta Advisors launched a report on ‘The Data Opportunity: The Promise of Digital Trade for India’ on 25th July 2019 at New Delhi. Mr Dinesh Tyagi, CEO, CSC e-Governance Services India Ltd released the report at a special Report Launch programme.
Some of the other eminent speakers who also addressed the session included Ms Berenice Voets, Director of Public Affairs and Policy, Hinrich Foundation; Dr J S Juneja, Chairman Global Projects & Services (P) Ltd, Former Chairman & Managing Director, National Small ndustries Corporation; Ms Rekha Sethi, Director General, AIMA; Ms Genevieve Lim, Associate, AlphaBeta; Mr Vipin Tyagi, Executive Director, C-DOT; Mr Manish Sehgal, Partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP; Mr Deepak Pareek, Founder, MyCrop; Mr T S Vishwanath, Principal Adviser, APJ-SLG Law Offices, Former Head- International Trade Policy- CII; Mr B Bhattacharya, Former Dean, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade; Mr Aaron Kamath, Senior Member, Technology- Media-Telecom (TMT), Intellectual Property (IP) and International Commercial Law Practice, Nishith Desai Associates; Mr Suman Bose, Advisor to Boards and Executive Partner Lumis Partners and Dr Raj Agrawal, Director, Centre for Management Education, AIMA.
The report attempts to measure the current value-added of digital trade to the Indian economy, and its potential future contribution for growth. The report includes policy suggestions for capturing the digital trade opportunity. According to the report, digital trade is already adding significant value to India’s domestic economy and this value-added could sizably increase with the right settings. Digital exports represent the second largest export sector of India today with significant potential for growth and there is an opportunity for India to play a leading role in international policy formulation for digital trade rules.
This report was prepared by AIMA and the Hinrich Foundation with analytical support from AlphaBeta. The report brings together research on the national and international digital trade in India and recommends strategies for the future course of action. In addition, AIMA has been entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India with the task of studying the ‘Role of Branding in Enhancing Competitive Growth for MSME Sector’.
Contact Information
Rahul Bhatia
Assistant Director
Centre for Management Education
All India Management Association
Mobile No. 9891963303
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