AIMA’s Vice Chancellors Council is organising it’s very first International Conference on ‘Global Disruption & Transformation in Higher Education’ on 11-12 March 2022, in the virtual mode.
As you are aware, technology has disrupted production and consumption of all goods and services. The challenges are many.
Today, technology impacts all facets of human activity and Education is no exception. Education is also impacted by technology and institutions are undergoing digital transformation. The pandemic is an opportunity for higher education institutions to adapt and adopt technologies to ensure that learning losses are minimised and that a new learning experience based on customisation, consistent quality and learner immersion, is designed by the faculty. The New Education Policy announced by India in mid-2020 has also created new paradigms in education. Demography too challenges educators at a global level.
All these disruptions now require Reimagination and Restrategization by higher education institutions.
To discuss challenges in higher education at the global level and rethink what needs to be done for today and tomorrow by higher education institutions, AIMA’s Vice Chancellors Council (VCC) is organising this international conference.
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