Neha Malhotra, Manager – Trainings
M: 8178340214 | E:
Event Detail- 28th March, 2023 |10 AM – 1 PM
It is tough to make decisions in personal and professional life because most decisions involve a clash between ethics, values and morals. Adoption of ethics, values and morality requires a thorough understanding of these concepts. Decisions are neither absolutely right nor absolutely wrong and there are always two sides to each decision. Choice between right and wrong has always bugged mankind and so it happens in professional life too. This is further complicated when values and attitudes come into picture and perplex the individual.
Individuals and organizations have suffered heavily, as we have seen recently, when a proper choice between clashing morals and ethics could not be made. As is rightly said, no entity or human-being is invincible and infallible. How does one take the most balanced decisions without running the risk of ethical misconduct?
Ppt presentation, case-study presentation, exercises and group-discussion
INR 5000 + GST @ 18%