Neha Malhotra,Manager – Trainings
M: 8178340214 | E:
Event Detail: 11 AM – 1 PM
Emotional Regulation is an essential part of Emotional Literacy that ought to have been taught in schools. This skill is rated higher than even functional skills when it comes to success in job and satisfaction in life. Unfortunately, it is not given the due importance in our school and college education.
Emotions run like background music in the individuals- affecting their relationships, efficiency, effectiveness and overall satisfaction with job and life. Teams where the players are emotionally literate, secure and balanced outshine all others. The players report heightened satisfaction with their jobs and life.
You need this skill as early and as urgently as you can come upon it. It changes lives.
Participants will learn to do a self-scan of their emotional states while on the job. Recognize emotions, understand emotions, label emotions, how they make others feel with their actions and words, how to release pent-up emotional energy in socially acceptable ways, how to express emotions with dignity, cultivating emotional resilience and how to achieve a state of overall satisfaction with life by reining emotions in productive ways.
Employees of all levels from junior executives to middle and senior managers
INR 5000 + GST @ 18%