AIMA Online Training On Assertive Behaviour –The Secret of Job Satisfaction and Life’s Happiness

15 Dec 2022


Contact Details

Neha Malhotra,Manager – Trainings
M: 8178340214 | E:

Event Detail: 3 PM – 5 PM


You might have wondered what is it that makes some of your colleagues more liked by all in the organization as well as outside. Certain people are favourites of everybody. Reason? Their assertiveness skills. Such people are always on top of the list for promotions and added responsibilities. They also report higher satisfaction with their jobs and personal relationships. Why?

One of the reasons is that they are neither meek and passive, nor overly pushy and aggressive.

Assertive communication is ideal for communications in personal life as well as in professional life as it is stronger and more effective than passive communication and more polite and considerate than aggressive communication.

Training Objectives

Learn how to be more assertive rather than meek and aggressive, identify your weak areas that are hampering your relationships and career, practice assertive behaviour and make it a habit.

Benefits of Attending

  • Assertive people are always higher in the list for promotions and added responsibilities. They also report higher satisfaction with their jobs and personal relationships.
  • They communicate well with all in the hierarchy- upward, downward and parallel. When being unjustly singled out for blame, they are able to defend themselves calmly.
  • You can avoid reacting strongly, guard against bad outcomes.
  • Learn how not to swallow your bad feelings and end up depressed and unhappy.
  • An excellent opportunity for you to make mid-course corrections in your communication and behaviours before it is too late.

Target Beneficiaries

This programme is suitable for all levels of employees in organizations from working level to executives, middle and senior managers.

Program Content

  • Why Assertive Behaviour Matters – How Emotional Extremes are Destructive
  • Examples of Assertive Behaviour in Daily Life
  • Understanding Your Own Assertiveness Level- Are you Passive, Aggressive, Assertive?
  • Barriers to Assertiveness
  • How Pent-up feelings and emotions can harm you
  • Identifying your past wounds and vulnerabilities
  • Practicing Assertive Behaviour in Common Situations- with family, superiors, subordinates, peers and colleagues, outsiders- getting things done without offending.
  • Emotional Literacy for Assertiveness


INR 5000 + GST @ 18%

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