Neha Malhotra,Manager – Trainings
M: 8178340214 | E:
Employability skills are non-technical skills that play a significant part in contributing to the individual’s effective and successful participation in the workplace. These are also known as soft skills, generic skills, enabling skills or key competencies. These are a Combination of Factors and Processes which enable people to Progress Towards, or Get into Employment, to Stay in Employment and to Move on in the Workplace.
These are the Prized Possessions by an Individual of the Qualities and Competences Required to meet the Ever-changing Needs of Employers and Customers and thereby help to Realise his or her Aspirations and Potential in work.
These are a set of Achievements – Skills, Understandings and Attributes – that make Individuals to gain Employment and be Successful in their chosen occupations.
Employers’ perceptions of the skills and competencies necessary to enhance graduate employability are similar across most of the countries. In other words, similar expectations and demands are made of graduates across the globe.
Definitions of employability vary greatly from a focus on graduates’ abilities to adapt their skills and use personal and academic skills to more tangible educational outcome measures that associate graduate employability with employment.
It has been found that nearly two-thirds of all graduate vacancies are open to graduates from any discipline with the type of skills required dependent upon the role to be carried out within a particular organisation.
By providing an analysis of the perceptions and experiences of graduates and employers, this course is designed to address the gap. Participants are assured of gaining the required expertise on the top employability skills to successfully launch their careers in style.
Review and evaluate your personal attributes and employability skills which are necessary for successful employment and career development.
Investigate employment opportunities, complete a job application including a CV for for a specific job opportunity.
Self-Presentation & Etiquettes
Job Approach
INR 3000 + GST @ 18%