2nd Capability Building Workshop
Case Writing
18-19 January 2019, New Delhi

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2nd Capability Building Workshop on Case Writing conducted by India Case Research Centre (ICRC)
All India Management Association’s, India Case Research Centre (ICRC) organised 2 days Capability building workshop on Case Writing for B school Faculties and Research scholars on 18- 19 January 2019 at, New Delhi
The objective of the workshop was to equip the participants with the skill of Case Writing and drafting teaching notes in a structured manner so that the cases drafted by them after the workshop can be published in AIMA’s Case Journal, the CASEPEDIA and also be used by the B Schools as a teaching aid.
The workshop was conducted by Dr B Bhattacharya, Former Dean -IIFT & Sr. Advisor to the UN Archive, Ms Meeta Sengupta, eminent case writer and Advisor, Dr Raj Agrawal, Director Centre for Management Education, AIMA, and by Dr Anuja Pandey, Associate Professor, AIMA.
The workshop received an overwhelming response of 30 participants and was attended by the B School Faculties and Research Scholars from across India.
The methodology of the workshop included experiential learning approaches and theories behind developing a good Case Study, introducing industry best examples/cases, group discussions and feedback on individual cases.
The participants have been given the study notes and templates to draft their cases. The cases submitted by the participants will now be reviewed by the ICRC Review committee and the Editors before publishing them in the AIMA’s ICRC’s Case Journal CASEPEDIA.
Third Capability workshop is scheduled to be held in Weschool, Welingkar, Bangalore on 12th and 13th February 2019.