Membership & Network

Professional Individual Membership


AIMA Membership helps to promote professional management practices in all areas and fosters a national managerial ethos. It also provides a forum for mutual sharing of management ideas, experience and expertise. AIMA membership recognizes and honors managerial excellence at each level of the organization and represents the interest of the managerial fraternity.


There are five grades of Professional Individual Members (PIMs) who are entitled to use the following titles:

  1. a) Honorary Fellow: HFIMA
  2. b) Honorary Life Fellow: HLFIMA
  3. c) Fellow: FIMA
  4. d) Member: MIMA
  5. e) Student : NA



Such Honorary Fellowship will be conferred by the Council on most distinguished managers in various walks of life in India and abroad without payment of any subscription. For conferring this membership, the AIMA Council must resolve by at least two-thirds majority.


President of AIMA, on his / her laying down the office, shall be honoured as “Honorary Life Fellow” of AIMA without payment of any subscription, in recognition of the distinguished services.


To become eligible, he/she must have the following qualifications:

1. Person nominated should already be AIMA member or his/her organization should be a member for at least one year, in exceptional cases, non - members may also be considered

2. Person nominated / applying should currently be associated with an organization / company or association.

3. Nominees should possess outstanding and extraordinary qualification and experience and should be at senior position and responsibility. Also, should be the authority to whom people reports or the authority to whom applicant reports is sufficiently high in the organization.

4. Have attained distinction in one of the following ways:

  1. Planning or operation or strategy related work activities.
  2. Teaching a major course in an academic discipline at a premium management institution.
  3. Expounding useful theories, principles or methods of management.

5. The person nominated should have wide knowledge or expertize in the field of management and should have made a significant contribution to advancing the knowledge.

6. Nominated person should be holding a prominent position that can have a positive impact on AIMA's overall activities.

7. Management Professional or equivalent with illustrious management career and significant contribution towards AIMA and professional management movement to their credit through publications / research, faculty contribution, participation in AIMA activities etc. outside the sphere of employment.

8. Recommended / Nominated and seconded by at least two other fellow members / Committee Chairman / Council Members of AIMA familiar with the applicant.

9. Should be one of the following:

  1. Management Professional as President / Chairman / Director- Head of the Institutions / Chief Executive / Vice President / General Manager in Public / Private Sector Enterprises with turnover of Rs.1000 crores/ Senior Management of SME’s.
  2. Senior Public Administrative Official not less than Joint Secretary in the Government of India or equivalent.
  3. Defence Services official of the rank of Brigadier or equivalent and above.
  4. Academician in Management or related areas of Professor Grade in recognized educational institutions of high standard.
  5. Technical or Legal Professional / Chartered Accountant / Cost & Works Accountant / Company Secretary.

10. Fellowships will also depend on Designation, Qualification, Organization Turnover, Contribution to Management Development and Special Observations.

11. AIMA Fellowship be limited preferably to three per year, but in any case maximum of five in a year.

12. Association & involvement with AIMA should be given significance

13. The AIMA Council and / or Executive Board/ Standing Committee will have the right to invite applications. The Executive Board/Standing Committee will decide on and approve nominations received.

Fellow Membership Form


This grade is applicable to management professionals / equivalent. Applicants should fulfill the following eligibility criteria:
1. Should have attained the age of 21 years.
2. Should be one of the following:

  1. Executive / Public Administrator / Defence Services Official / Academician in management or related area.
  2. Technical or legal professional / Chartered Accountant / Cost and Works Accountant / Company Secretary qualified from India / equivalent foreign institution.

3. Degree/Diploma in management from AIMA or a recognized University or Institution: or general management course from a recognized body.


This grade is applicable to students undergoing professional course in Management from recognized / reputed institutions. This membership may subsequently be upgraded to a higher grade, after completion of the management programme, or as and when eligible. Applicants should fulfill following eligibility criteria:

  1. Should be graduate in any discipline from a recognized University
  2. Should be undergoing MBA Programme any functional management programme from a recognized University or Institution.

These eligibility guidelines are only illustrative, indicating the broad requirements for admission of members to various grades. The actual evaluation is, however, left to the Fellowship and Membership Committees and the AIMA Council, whose objective is to fully satisfy themselves about the suitability of the applicants vis-à-vis the professional standards of AIMA.

New Member

To apply for membership, please fill in the appropriate application form in duplicate, and send it along with demand draft for the amount of entrance fee and annual / life membership subscription, directly to the Membership Division. After scrutiny the application will be considered by the Council. Thereafter, the applicant will be intimated regarding the admission, giving the grade of membership, and the date of admission.

New members are enrolled on a financial year basis. Anyone admitted between April to September shall have to pay full year’s subscription. Anyone admitted between October to March shall have to pay half year’s subscription. In both cases, entrance fee shall have to be paid in full.

Senior citizen members over 65 years of age will be charged 50 % of subscription fee on both annual & life membership.

Membership-Rights and Privileges

  1. Every member will enjoy all rights and privileges of the association in accordance with the provision of Memorandum of the Association, Rules and Regulations and the Bye-laws. These rights and privileges will be non transferable by his / her own act or by operation of law.
  2. Every member will be entitled to use the membership titles by placing it after his / her name in abbreviated form, stated in accordance with his / her grade or membership, namely, HLFIMA, HFIMA, FIMA, MIMA.
  3. Every member will be entitled to receive a Member Certificated signifying his / her grade of membership and date of admission.
  4. Every member (except Student) will have the right to be elected to the Council of Management of the Association on the basis of an All-India election by the Members.
  5. Every member will be entitled to attend and participate in the meetings, discussions, film shows and other such programmes, which are organized by AIMA or by its affiliated LMAs from time to time.
  6. Information regarding Management Development Programmes conducted by overseas management associations is made available by AIMA. Preference is given to members of AIMA in sponsoring participants for such programmes.
  7. Every member will be entitled (free of charge) to a copy of AIMA’s monthly journal ‘Indian Management’ and Monthly Aima E News – Management times.
  8. Every member will be entitled, free of charge, to a copy of journal or other free publications by the LMA to which affiliated.
  9. Reciprocal Services from members countries of Asian Association of Management Organizations (AAMO) AND South Asian Association of Management Organizations (SAAMO) on request.
  10. All priced publications by AIMA or LMA to which affiliated, will be made available to members at concessional rates.
  11. Complimentary Membership of AIMA Library.
  12. Reference and rental facility for books journals, monographs etc, (including postal rental facility for outstation members).
  13. Abstract and computerized bibliography service. Documentation delivery service at nominal charges.
  14. Sale and rental management films at nominal charges.

Duties and Responsibilities of Members

  1. Every person, admitted to any grade of membership, will be liable to follow in his / her professional practice, the AIMA Code of Conduct for Professional Managers, and will also make a genuine attempt to foster the standards laid down in the said document in all his / her dealings.
  2. Every person, admitted to any grade of membership, will be liable to pay the appropriate annual subscription, until he / she has communicated in writing to AIMA secretariat his / her desire to resign, having previously paid all the arrears including the current year’s subscription.
  3. If any member fails to pay subscription in arrears for one year and will fail to pay such arrears within three months after a notice has been sent to him / her by the AIMA Secretariat, his / her name will be removed from the list of members.
  4. The Council will have the right to expel from the association, any member who shall have, in the opinion of the council, willfully acted in contravention of the Memorandum of Association. Rules and regulations or the Bye-laws, or who in the opinion of the Council, shall have been guilty to such conduct as shall render him / her unfit to remain a member of the Association. The reason for such expulsion would be recorded in the Council’s minutes of meeting through an appropriate decision in favor of the expulsion, which shall be passed by three-fourth majority of the voting members present.

Relationship Between AIMA and LMAs

  1. Each application for membership or upgradation of grade must be submitted to AIMA directly.
  2. After the member has been admitted to AIMA, he / she becomes a member of a LMA simultaneously without payment of any additional subscription. AIMA appropriately nominated its members to the LMAs servicing them.
  3. If a person applying for membership is a resident of a place where is no LMA, he / she will become a direct member of AIMA without LMA Affiliation.
  4. When any LMA comes up in a new territory from where members are already enrolled, AIMA would reimburse the concerned LMA annual subscription and entrance fee for that year, as per Rules provided as it was received in AIMA, thereby providing LMA affiliation to such members.
  5. Existing members of LMAs, who wish to be considered for the professional and Individual Membership of AIMA, will be exempted from the payment of any entrance fee.
  6. In case of transfer of a member from one city to another the concerned member should inform AIMA, who in turn, would inform the concerned LMAs. In case the subscription has been paid for the year and has been remitted to the LMA, the new LMA would start getting their share from the next financial year only if the fee has been paid in full.

Representation in the Council of Management of AIMA

  1. Fellow: Not less than one on the basis of one percent (1.0 %) of the membership subject to a maximum of two (2) elected by Fellows.
  2. Members: Not less than two and does not exceed point one percent (0.1 %) of the membership subject to a maximum of four (4) to this category to be elected by the members.

Representation at The General Meeting of AIMA

Hon. Fellows, Fellows and Members shall have one vote each at the General Meetings.

Grade One Time Entrance
Fee (Rs)
@ 18% 
Fellow Annual 300 4,000 774 5,074
Lifetime 300 40,000 7,254 47,554
Member Annual 200 3,000 576 3,776
Lifetime 200 30,000 5,436 35,636
Student Annual 50 800 153 1003
Overseas One Time Entrance
Fee (US $)
@ 18% 
(US $)
Fellow Annual 60 350 74 484
Member Annual 40 250 52 342
Student Annual 10 125 24 159

Transfer Fee (from one grade to another)
Domestic Member 100 + 18% GST = 118(Indian)
Overseas Member US$ 24


New members are enrolled on a financial year basis. Anyone admitted between April to September shall have to pay full year’s subscription. Anyone admitted between October to March shall have to pay half year’s subscription. In both cases entrance fee shall have to be paid in full.

Senior citizen members over 65 years of age will be charged 50% of subscription fee on both annual & life membership.

All subscriptions and entrance fee will have to be paid only by a bank draft drawn in favor of ALL INDIA MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, payable at New Delhi.

Subscriptions are subject to review from time to time by the Management Council of AIMA, without prior notice to the members.

Download Membership Forms Apply for Professional Individual Membership (PIM)

For further details, please contact :

Anoobhav Sehgal / Shalini Ahuja / Venus Godiyal
Assistant Director / Manager-LMA Relations & Membership
Management House, 14, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110003
Tel: 91-11-24621323 (D) 43128100, 24645100 Ext.: 541, 531, 527
Fax: 91-11-24626689
E-mail :,,

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