
The British Council

The British Council awarded the grant to AIMA for the purposes of conducting activities under UKIERI Institutional Building project titled Creation of Management and General Skills SSC. AIMA partnered with two UK institutions, the Asset Skills and NOCN.

AIMA worked closely with the UK partners and identified employability skills for entry level executives. National Occupational Standards (NOS) along with training manuals were developed and delivered for each identified employability skill. Training programmes were also conducted to know the relevance of NOs. Several sessions were conducted for capacity building of internal faculty. The AIMA team also visited UK to learn about UK’s model of employability skills and methods of training, assessment and certification of soft skills. As part of the project AIMA has also proposed a model of Labour Market Information System (LMIS).

The project report with a case study on Sector Skill Council was successfully submitted to UKIERI along with NOCN.

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